Le Sénégal participe à l’atelier de développement des mécanismes de collaboration pour un engagement efficace des Organisations de la Société civile et des Leaders communautaires pour la préparation et la réponse face aux épidémies. Cette activité organisée par l’OOAS au sein du réseau des communicants sur les risques et engagement communautaire se tient à Banjul…
1. Points saillants 2. Contexte Le 21 avril 2023, le Sénégal a confirmé un cas de fièvre hémorragique Crimée Congo hospitalisé au centre hospitalier national (CHN) Dalal Jamm. Il s’agit d’un homme de 35 ans, boucher de profession, résidant à la Cité Fadia dans le District sanitaire de Guédiawaye.La Fièvre Hémorragique Crimée-Congo (FHCC) est une…
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
When you lose a tooth it is beneficial for your gums and jaw to replace at least the crown of your teeth. The crown of a tooth is the part of the tooth that is above the gum line.